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Really glad you're here 🤎.

In a world where the playing field isn't even, we provide the tools, training, and support needed to succeed in the digital online creation.
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Hey Sis!

Really glad you're here 🤎.

As your business grows, so does your connection with diverse Black customers. I'm here to support you every step of the way as a Black woman entrepreneur.
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Hello, I'm Natalia Nicholson, the founder of Women in Digital Business. My journey has been driven not just by the desire to create a legacy for my family, but also by my own longing for a space where I, as a Black woman, could be understood and belong. This yearning has shaped my mission to empower Black and Brown women in the online business world.

In leading this community, I strive to offer an environment where Black women entrepreneurs can thrive, be heard, and find their place. My approach goes beyond business strategies; it's about fostering a sense of belonging and understanding.

I am more than a mentor - I am a guide and a fellow traveller, committed to paving a path for future generations of Black women in digital entrepreneurship, creating a space where we can flourish while honouring our unique experiences and building a lasting legacy.


Hello, I'm Natalia Nicholson, the founder of Women in Digital Business. My journey has been driven not just by the desire to create a legacy for my family, but also by my own longing for a space where I, as a Black woman, could be understood and belong. This yearning has shaped my mission to empower Black women in the online business world.

In leading this community, I strive to offer an environment where Black women entrepreneurs can thrive, be heard, and find their place. My approach goes beyond business strategies; it's about fostering a sense of belonging and understanding.

I am more than a mentor - I am a guide and a fellow traveler, committed to paving a path for future generations of Black women in digital entrepreneurship, creating a space where we can flourish while honoring our unique experiences and building a lasting legacy.

Empowering Journey:



I established Women In Digital Business with a heartfelt mission: to empower and support Black and Brown women as they navigate the digital business world. Recognising the unique challenges and opportunities we face, I envisioned a nurturing community where Black women could connect, share their journeys, and grow together.

This platform is a space for learning, mentorship, and mutual inspiration, tailored to uplift and amplify the voices of Black women entrepreneurs.

Driven by my passion for seeing Black women excel in digital business, Women In Digital Business is dedicated to helping each member realise her dreams and reach new heights of success.

I'm on a MISSION

A powerful purpose drives us: To empower black and brown women entrepreneurs. Despite being the most entrepreneurial group, we are often the least supported. We're here to change that!

Our mission? To provide the essential tools, training, and support tailored specifically to black female business owners' unique challenges and needs. From mastering digital marketing to fostering a growth mindset, we aim to create a space where success is not just a dream but a reachable goal.

I'm on a MISSION

Our mission at Women In Digital Business is to empower Black women entrepreneurs, offering them the freedom and tools to thrive in the digital space. We focus on fostering a supportive community that encourages growth, innovation, and success.



My journey spans over two decades of self-discovery, education, and entrepreneurial growth. Inspired by my Jamaican immigrant parents who moved to the UK in the 1960s, I learned the importance of resilience, gratitude, and tough love from an early age. These values have been crucial throughout my personal and professional life.

Facing racial discrimination in the UK during the 80s and 90s, I was motivated to seek acceptance and respect. I aspired to be a powerful and respected figure, much like the fictional characters who inspired me but did not look or sound like me. This ambition led me to realise the need for representation and opportunities for people like myself.

My entrepreneurial ventures began with coaching and empowering others in their businesses. I've launched an e-commerce platform selling cultural books, an Amazon store selling candles and successfully ran a cleaning company, learning valuable lessons about people and processes.

Currently, I lead a dynamic business portfolio that includes managing Women In Digital Business, a thriving online community, serving as a marketing consultant and an e-commerce business selling candles. Additionally, I'm involved in the exciting world of real estate in Ghana. Across these diverse ventures, my commitment is unwavering: to empower and support other women, helping them unlock their full business potential through focused coaching and engaging mastermind series.


Loves the vibrant flavors of Caribbean cuisine


Failing my way to success


Enjoys the serene beauty of tropical islands


Has a special fondness for Red Wine


Can’t start her day without a cup of coffee


Happily married to my biggest cheerleader and proud parent of three children


Loves the vibrant flavors of Caribbean cuisine


Once a talented makeup artist


Enjoys the serene beauty of tropical islands


Has a special fondness for Red Wine


Can’t start her day without a cup of coffee


Happily married to my biggest cheerleader and proud parent of three children

Where to NEXT?



Welcome to Women in Digital Business's Open Access the home of our podcast spotlight Hustle!

This is your personal invitation to a vibrant, supportive community where Black women are making their mark in the digital business world.

And the best part?

It's absolutely free!


Sign Up Today



Welcome to the Premium Access membership at Women in Digital Business!

This is your exclusive opportunity to learn the exact steps to launch, grow, and scale a highly successful membership or content creation business.

And guess what? It's all available for a special founder price of just ÂŁ199 for a full year.


Sign Up Today



We invite you to join our exclusive Master Mind Retreats.

These retreats aren’t just trips; they’re transformative experiences designed to connect you with your heritage in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean while unlocking unprecedented global opportunities for your business.



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Where to NEXT?



Welcome to Women in Digital Business's Open Access!

This is your personal invitation to a vibrant, supportive community where Black women are making their mark in the digital business world.

And the best part?

It's absolutely free!

Sign Up Today



Welcome to the Premium Access membership at Women in Digital Business!

This is your exclusive opportunity to learn the exact steps to launch, grow, and scale a highly successful membership business.

And guess what? It's all available for a special founder price of just ÂŁ99 for a full year.

Sign Up Today



We invite you to join our exclusive Master Mind Retreats.

These retreats aren’t just trips; they’re transformative experiences designed to connect you with your heritage in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean while unlocking unprecedented global opportunities for your business.

Register Your Interest
Spotlight Hustle Podcast:


Join "Spotlight Hustle: Celebrating Success Stories," a podcast celebrating the triumphs and resilience of successful Black women entrepreneurs. Be inspired by their journeys and connect with their stories of strength and achievement in business.

Listen Now >>

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Tailored for Black Women Every Wednesday. 

Every Wednesday, you’ll get 1 actionable tip, or a strategic insight to elevate your digital business. These bite-sized, actionable pieces of guidance are crafted to inspire, educate, and empower you, specifically designed for Black Female Entrepreneurs

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